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I'm Lindsey - The Mama Behind Creating a Mama

Hi! Welcome to my blog. I'd like to use this post to introduce myself and explain how the Creating a Mama blog came to be.

In July of 2014 I married my best friend. A few months later, I became pregnant (yay!) with our first. We were both really excited. We found out the sex, did a cutesy gender reveal photo op on Facebook, and counted down the days until the due date. The due date came and went, but eventually Annalee arrived.

Between mountains of diapers and dirty laundry, my husband and I discovered the truth behind becoming a parent. It was messy. We were exhausted. We craved alone time. But we loved our newest addition more than we ever thought possible.

After much debate, we decided to expand our tribe. After a devastating early pregnancy loss in December 2016, we wavered in our decision to grow our family. However, our second little bundle of joy had other plans, and in April, we discovered we were expecting.

This past December, our second child, Atlas, was born. Also late. And following in big sister's footsteps, we've found ourselves utterly exhausted surrounded by toys, blocks, and blankies. But he's absolutely perfect, and he completely completes our little fam jam.

All joking aside, parenting is tough. It's the kind of thing that makes you question your sanity on a daily basis. It's dreams of a full night's rest. It's face-palms and eye rolls. Parenting will make you bite back words you shouldn't say, while laughing, sometimes uncontrollably, at the things your little does.

My name is Lindsey, and I'm a tired mama.

Through my two babies, though, I've become more than just a mama. I'm a problem solver, a cleaner, a baker, a short-order chef, a budgeter, an organizer, and their safe haven. I'm all of these things because of them, and tired or not, I wouldn't change it.

But I do want to do something for me. For this reason, I've created this perfectly imperfect blog. It's my safe haven. It's a place for me to share my mom wins, my parenting fails, and everything in between. I invite you to join me, learn with me, and grow with me as I tackle motherhood with all the grace of a baby learning to walk.


Creating a Mama - Lindsey xo

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